Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Finding Out We Were Pregnant!

This post includes information that some may consider TMI, such as peeing. 
Should you have an issue, discontinue reading. 

The night of March 26th, Joe looked at me and said "You're pregnant this time. I just know it."  
I looked back at him with a crazy look and said "No way." 
He bet me something.. probably dinner.. and I went to go take a pregnancy test right before bed. 
But I had JUST gone to the bathroom and couldn't go to save my life. 
I set a test in the bathroom, figuring when I get up in the morning I will have it ready and I will take it then. 

Fast forward to 3:51am (I know the time because I wear a Fitbit and use its glow at night to light the path to the bathroom).  
Mother nature calls. 
I get up and stumble my way into the bathroom. 
Normally, I pee with the lights off but I didn't want to miss the stick so I hesitantly turned all the lights on…. Ughhhh. 
I took the test. 
Sat there. 
And this is what  I saw. 

I had to rub my eyes… no, not in the figurative way. 
I legit had to rub my eyes because I wasn't sure if I was truly reading "Pregnant." I mean, at 4 am, I was in a fog. 

Nope, it really did say pregnant. 

I walked out of the bathroom and went to wake up Joe. 
I nudged him and he just pulls the blankets over his head and rolls over. 
"Joe, I am pregnant. Like for real."
I was standing there with my pee stick all excited and he just groans. 
I'm like for reallll bro?
I pulled the covers off of him. 
"Joe, I am pregnant. Did you hear what I said? I'm pregnant." Holding my pee stick so proudly.
He looked so confused. I thought for sure I would've gotten an "I told you so" out of him almost instantly. 
I think once it hit him and the confusion of being woken up by your wife at 4am with a bathroom light halo around her wore off he realized he was going to be a Dad. 

Needless to say, I couldn't fucking sleep after that. 
I mean how can you when you have the wonderful world of Pinterest out there?
I sat online until my alarm went off for work pinning to my secret Babies Pinterest board. 

I took another test later that day. Just to make sure the first one wasn't some crazy false positive (which I later read is VERY uncommon). 
It came out positive too. 
So yay for us. 

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